Club Showcase

See what's happening at TennisBase LTC


The Club organise a number of tournaments throughout the year for the benefit of members of all standards.

The main club championships, U21’s and veterans tournaments, collectively forming our Summer Tournament, are run from April to July with the finals being held over the weekend subsequent to the Wimbledon finals weekend.

A junior tournament with an array of events for all ages and standards up to U16’s is also run at this time but with the finals being played on the Saturday proceeding the Wimbledon finals weekend.

From November we hold our Winter and Handicap Tournaments with the finals being played over a weekend in March. The Handicap Tournament is particularly popular as the handicap system means everyone that enters has a chance of winning. It is a doubles event, but unlike other events, you do not need a partner as your partner will be drawn for you from the list of entrants.

Please keep an eye out for the entry sheets, which will be found on the notice board in the club house over the weeks/months prior to the tournament commencing         

04 Aug 2014